For a list of all our Tenuously Linked recommendations, check out our Letterboxd Swapcast lists.

Ep.43 - The Sex Trip (2016)

Ep.43 - The Sex Trip (2016)


This episode, The Swapcast gang revisit a film that has illuded their grasp since episode 5. Finally, fresh from it’s Russian debut; Hanks, Stallone…technically star in the misogynist mess that is 2016’s, The Sex Trip. Join the gang as Paul and Brendan beg Lucy to stay after another putting her through another enraging trash fire.

Ep.44 - All of Me (1984)

Ep.44 - All of Me (1984)

Ep.42 - Heart and Souls  (1993)

Ep.42 - Heart and Souls (1993)