For a list of all our Tenuously Linked recommendations, check out our Letterboxd Swapcast lists.

Ep.29 - Prelude To A Kiss 1992

Ep.29 - Prelude To A Kiss 1992


After escaping the haunting misogyny of 1970's Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde, the gang are back to their regularly scheduled program; Alex Baldwin mackin' with old dudes in the illusive romantic "comedy" swap of 1992, Prelude To A Kiss. Join the gang as they discuss, proud hairy men, shitting yourself in public, and Lucy's love of older men is put to the ultimate test.   

Ep.30 - Suddenly 30 AKA 13 Going on 30 (2004)

Ep.30 - Suddenly 30 AKA 13 Going on 30 (2004)

Ep.28 - Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde 1971

Ep.28 - Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde 1971